Author Roles and Author Positions

## Warning: package 'ggplot2' was built under R version 2.15.2

pac <- read.csv("data/plos_author_contributions.csv", row.names = NULL)

You can also embed plots, for example:

main.roles <- c("Conceived and designed the experiments", "Performed the experiments", 
    "Analyzed the data", "Contributed reagents/materials/analysis tools", "Wrote the paper")
normalised.main.roles <- tolower(sub("^(\\w+).+$", "\\1", main.roles))

pac$num.contribs <- with(pac, Conceived.and.designed.the.experiments + Performed.the.experiments + + + Wrote.the.paper)

counts.conceived <- aggregate(Conceived.and.designed.the.experiments ~ Author.Position, 
    pac, sum)
counts.conceived$role <- "conceived"
names(counts.conceived) <- c("position", "count", "role")

counts.performed <- aggregate(Performed.the.experiments ~ Author.Position, pac, 
counts.performed$role <- "performed"
names(counts.performed) <- c("position", "count", "role")

counts.analyzed <- aggregate( ~ Author.Position, pac, sum)
counts.analyzed$role <- "analyzed"
names(counts.analyzed) <- c("position", "count", "role")

counts.contributed <- aggregate( ~ 
    Author.Position, pac, sum)
counts.contributed$role <- "contributed"
names(counts.contributed) <- c("position", "count", "role")

counts.wrote <- aggregate(Wrote.the.paper ~ Author.Position, pac, sum)
counts.wrote$role <- "wrote"
names(counts.wrote) <- c("position", "count", "role")

counts <- rbind(counts.conceived, counts.performed, counts.analyzed, counts.contributed, 

for (role in normalised.main.roles) {
    m <- counts$role == role
    counts$rel.count[m] = counts$count[m]/sum(counts$count)
ggplot(subset(counts, position <= 20), aes(x = position, y = role)) + geom_point(aes(size = rel.count))

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-3